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Life of a Dad: Year One

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

A few days ago, my son turned one! And thereby, by default, I have been a dad now for a full year. YES! I did it. Go me.

 So, in honor of this momentous occasion, here is a year in review of the dad life.


  2. Oh #@$% I’m gonna be a Dad

  3. Joy

  4. Panic

  5. Run to the grocery store to get green beans, 8 pm

  6. Joy again

  7. Panic again

  8. I can do this

  9. Ice cream run, 11 pm

  10. Excited

  11. Nervous

  12. Make nachos, 9… am

  13. Buy baby crib

  14. Ultrasound!

  15. IT'S A BOY!

  16. Joy

  17. Dreams of raising Heisman Trophy winner

  18. Buy changing table

  19. Run to the grocery store to get chocolate, 10 pm

  20. Dreams of raising Stanley Cup Champion

  21. Buy bottles

  22. Buy diapers

  23. Buy pacifiers

  24. Buy clothes

  25. Baby Shower = Free stuff!

  26. Hospital

  27. Wait

  28. Waiting

  29. Waiting some more

  30. (No more nails to bite off)

  31. BABY!

  32. JOY!

  33. Home…

  34. Tired

  35. It’s 3 am…

  36. Crying (parents and child)

  37. Sleep (haha… just kidding)

  38. Bottle = Life

  39. Slept through the night!

  40. Stopped sleeping through the night…

  41. Solid foods!

  42. Poop

  43. Lots of poop

  44. Bathtime

  45. Poop

  46. Clean up

  47. Tired


  49. JOY!

  50. Babbling

  51. Laughing

  52. Food… on the floor

  53. First steps between mom and dad

  54. Excited!

  55. Sleep

  56. Actual Sleep

  57. Birthday!

  58. We made it

  59. One Year down…

  60. Joy!

  61. A lifetime to go

Let me know how parenting was for you after your first year in the comments below!!


Author: Andrew McFarlane

Andrew McFarlane is a full-time dad and a parenting blogger. He shares advice for new parents, experienced parents, and any parent in-between at He does this through positive parenting methods, the best parenting gear, and lots of laughter. When he's not blogging about the best parenting practices, he'll be out taking photos, playing hockey, or spending time with his wife and 2 boys.



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