How to change a baby boy’s diaper
Updated: Apr 29, 2022
The process you think might be pretty simple. But, let’s be real here. Not every diaper change is a breeze. (But you better hope there’s a breeze to keep the smell away)
Be vigilant and pay attention for “the smell”
Check for “the line” (the amazing technology of the blue line)
Check the back end…
CAUTION: In case of blow out… be careful of stray streaks, road marks, and liquids… It might get on your hands… Let me rephrase. It will get on your hands.
Behold the power and wonder that is anti-gravity debris
Find a secure location, table, cushion, floor, truck bed, husband’s lap
Lay out your changing mat
(WARNING: YOU HAVE NOW ENTERED THE WAR ZONE) Un-do the onesie buttons near the baby booty
Dodge incoming kicks
Pull up your own shirt over your nose
Breathe in deeply and hold
Pull back straps on diaper
Pull down the front of the diaper
Behold the gloriousness that is being a parent
Observe the beautiful creation that your child constructed
Pull out your handy dandy wipes and clean the skin gently
Place wipes in the old diaper and pull out from under the baby
Dodge incoming pee fountain
Freak out a bit
Observe that pee is now all over you
Listen to your son’s laugh as he mocks you for being too slow
Pull out a new wipe and re-clean the newly messy area
Let go of your pride
Place new diaper under your child
Apply any creams or powders to maintain that “smooth as a baby’s bottom” booty that we all love
Pull up the front of the diaper and fasten the straps
Re-button the onesie
Throw away diaper in Oder Defying receptacle (if unavailable, pray for forgiveness from future pedestrians of the nearest trashcan)
Pack up belongings (dry them from pee as necessary)
Walk back to your party, wedding, dinner, fundraiser, or activities with your head held high repeat steps 1-28 in about 1 hour and 17 minutes
Welcome to parenthood!
Author: Andrew McFarlane
Andrew McFarlane is a full-time dad and a parenting blogger. He shares advice for new parents, experienced parents, and any parent in-between at He does this through positive parenting methods, the best parenting gear, and lots of laughter. When he's not blogging about the best parenting practices, he'll be out taking photos, playing hockey, or spending time with his wife and 2 boys.